the impossible dream

美 [ðə ɪmˈpɑːsəbl driːm]英 [ðə ɪmˈpɒsəbl driːm]
  • 网络不可能实现的梦想;不可能的梦想
the impossible dreamthe impossible dream
  1. We should dream the impossible dream , win the unbeatable fight , defeat the undefeatable foe , and go boldly where no man has gone before .


  2. I 'm calling this look the impossible dream . It 's stone cold glamour .


  3. To dream the impossible dream .


  4. Aiming for anything higher than that , as some hedge fund managers do , is to chase the impossible dream .


  5. That show Man of La Mancha with its anthem " The Impossible Dream " opened in 1965 .


  6. That may be the impossible dream but it is the kind of fantasy that earlier generations would not have dared to utter .


  7. To dream the impossible dream , to fight the unbeatable foe , to bear with unbearable sorrow , to run where the brave dare not go .


  8. But it 's taken it off the list from an impossible dream and converted it to something that is a ( mere ) technical barrier .


  9. The Quest for Sustainable Towns : the Impossible Dream ?


  10. Ironically , the two also started a tradition of conflicting associations governing the game , which now makes all titles suspect , and the Olympics an impossible dream .
